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Since the Rinos and Rats website was started in June of 2011, it has become painfully clear that most elected representatives that we send to Congress, State Legislatures, Boards of Supervisors and other elected legislative bodies, do not understand the true meaning of the U.S. Constitution, and in fact have little regard for their oaths to uphold and protect it. According to the U.S. Constitution, it is our right, duty and responsibility as citizens to identify representatives who fail to uphold their Constitutional oaths and are ruling against the will of the people.
Because of this, it has become necessary to establish a rating system to identify and sort the varying offenders. RINOs and RATs are progressives and collectivists that are working in unison to move the Republic away from the Constitution, often calling it "obsolete," and towards a one world government. While there are generally varying degrees of "RINOs" (Republicans In Name Only,) RATs are those representatives who completely ignore the U.S. Constitution. As long as they fail to defend the Constitution as it was intended, we believe neither is acceptable to represent the people.
It is our intention to provide a forum to exchange ideas and information and to educate the voters and candidates alike concerning the U.S. Constitution, and especially to show how the Federal Government has usurped almost all powers of the states by exploitation of the COMMERCE AND WELFARE provisions of the U.S. Constitution and how the states have unwittingly surrendered their sovereignty as outlined in the 10th Amendment in exchange for federal funds.