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Updated 9/12/20199
Best places to begin (i.e., understanding why we need to know what Islam is):
*Note: This list of resources is not all encompassing, nor do the brief descriptions do justice to the amount & variety of information available on each site.
An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America (English translation of the document begins around page 14): https://www.investigativeproject.org/documents/20-an-explanatory-memorandum-on-the-general.pdf
Sharia: The Threat to America: https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2010/09/13/shariah-the-threat-to-america-2/
Center for the Study of Political Islam, Dr Bill Warner:
Facebook (access short videos):https://www.facebook.com/pg/cspi.international/videos/?ref=page_internal
Publications: http://cspipublishing.com/
Learn Political Islam: https://learn.politicalislam.com/#/
https://www.cspii.org/en Click on one of the segments and as you near the bottom you’ll have an option to sign up for “Audiobook for Free” which gives you self-study course level 1 (total length of segments 4 hours 19 minutes)
Stay up-to-date with these Online Resources:
Creeping Sharia: https://creepingsharia.tumblr.com
*Please be aware that this “Creeping Sharia” now on Tumblr was blocked from Facebook. Another group hijacked the name Creeping Sharia to support and promote Islam on FB and using a Substack address.
Offers a subject search feature as well as a US state or country search feature
Provides up to date reporting/articles written, Mohammad cartoons, and Must See Videos which often are quickly removed by the social media sites.
Understanding The Threat: https://www.understandingthethreat.com/
This is the only organization training our government officials, officers of the law, and military about the Global Islamic Movement & jihadi networks within our communities. Check out their Mission.
This website has especially outstanding sections on:
Research & Resources
The Blog
The Religion of Peace: https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/
TROP is a non-partisan, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom
This site focuses on providing information regarding Terror Attacks, Islam, Muhammad, Quran
Includes an easy chart for reviewing terrorist events by viewing:
Jihad Report (offered by week and by month)
Total Number of Deadly Terror Attacks since 9/11
List of Attacks charts for last 30 days or select by year
Clarion Project: https://clarionproject.org/
An informative website allowing signups for newsletters, and offering Fact Sheets on a variety of issues related to Islam (click on: 101s), and a Take Action section with easy to participate ideas
Middle East Forum, Promoting American Interests: http://www.meforum.org/
This website offers a comprehensive wealth of information from many different angles. However, MEF does discuss support and promotion of “moderate Islam” which they believe will allow a re-interpretation of Islam.
Click on “About Us” for descriptions of their Mission, Methods and Activities
Click on “Mailing Lists” to select to receive:
Middle East Forum: articles, announcements & press releases
Middle East Quarterly: articles from MEF’s journal
Campus Watch: writings about Middle East studies at North American Universities
Islamist Watch: writings about lawful Islamism in the West
Legal Project: writings about the battle over free speech and Islam
May also choose from a list of staff private mailing lists
Center for Security Policy: https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/
*This site offers free PDF’s of their material online.
A free online 10 part course titled “The Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Enemy Within” is available at:
Mission of the Center for Security Policy: To identify challenges and opportunities likely to affect American security, broadly defined, and to act promptly and creatively to ensure that they are the subject of focused national examination and effective action.
Jihad Watch: https://www.jihadwatch.org/
Robert Spencer speaks to us in ways that make Islam easy to understand for the novice, beginning with Islam 101, his Videos teaching on The Basics of Islam, Blogging the Qur’an, the downloadable pamphlets and much more.
Combatting Global Asymmetric Threats: https://www.asymmetricthreat.net/
Provides a look at national and global security through an extensive variety of resources as well as offering reports on a number of symposia held
American Freedom Defense Initiative: http://afdi.us/
Constantly under attack yet unfailing in her advertisements and teachings to the American public Pamela Geller exposes the truth about Islam; see why she is such a threat to the Islamic movement
Pamela Geller Report (sign up to receive top headlines of the day or view them here): https://pamelageller.com/
A Cult Called Islam:
Some flicks that the Islamofascists don’t want you to see or know about Islam, Sharia Law, and the behavior of its followers here and mainly in Islamic controlled countries. If you think it’s all about peace and love, watch some of these vids, then form your own opinion. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4372155EB7A7E0BC
Islam in Our Educational System:
Campaign Warning Parents of Bias in Classroom Books, 12/31/2011: http://www.wnd.com/2011/12/382645/
Tainted Teachings, What Your Kids are Learning about Israel, America, and Islam, Parts 1 through 4 (scroll down past the initial 4 links to view each part): http://www.campus-watch.org/article/id/2247
Act for America Report: Education or Indoctrination? The Treatment of Islam in 6th through 12th Grade American Textbooks: http://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/themes/57365ca5cd0af55ea6000001/attachments/original/1483921270/Education_or_Indoctrination_Executive_Summary.pdf?
Islam in Our Government:
A Guide to Shariah Law vs the Constitution: http://theshariahwaronwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Shariah_VS_Constitution.pdf